Contact Software
We are partners with CONTACT Software, the leading vendor of open standard software and open source pioneer for the product engineering process and digital transformation. Our products help to organize projects, execute processes reliably and collaborate with others around the world on the basis of virtual product models and their digital twins. Our open technology and our Elements platform are ideal for integrating additional IT systems and the Internet of Things to create end-to-end business processes.
CIM Database
The PLM system for better collaboration and faster processes in product development.
CIM Database supports the Product Lifecycle Management of your products from the first ideas up to the customer‘s application. We combine the data management of virtual products with the functions of collaboration and process and project management in product development. Thus you accelerate your processes and projects, reduce routine effort and errors, improve results and fulfill regulatory obligations. CIM Database is particularly cost-efficient because it is easier to adapt to future new requirements.
A combination of traditional framework planning and agile approaches in the development process makes the most of both methods planning and control instruments create reliable guidelines – agile procedures, intelligent information logistics and outstanding document management make the entire team faster and more productive. Irrespective of whether it is dealing with a small change to a previous project or a global development program.
Connect your machines and assets – make the most of your data and launch new business models When it comes to smart products and services, the use of digital twins is a key prerequisite for business success. The IoT platform CONTACT Elements for IoT was designed from the very start to use the digital twin as the database for value-added processes.