Autodesk Moldflow

With access to over 10,000 grades of commercial plastics and accurate material data, manufacturers can evaluate various material options. Autodesk Moldflow supports direct data exchange with most CAD software tools. Moldflow’s calculated structural properties can improve the accuracy of structural analysis products including Autodesk® Nastran In-CAD. Companies worldwide use Autodesk Moldflow to make great products by reducing the need for costly physical prototypes, avoiding potential manufacturing defects, and getting innovative products to market faster.

Achieve success with…


Plastic flow

Simulate the flow of thermosets and thermoplastics to help optimize plastic part and injection mold designs, reduce potential part defects and improve the molding process.

Tooling layout

Evaluate and optimize cavity location, hot and cold runner systems, and gating configurations.

Mold cooling configuration

Improve cooling system efficiency, minimize part warpage, achieve smooth surfaces, and reduce cycle times.

Shrinkage and warpage

Evaluate plastic parts and injection mold designs to help control shrinkage and warpage.

Material library

Robust library with over 11,500 grades of material from a variety of suppliers to effectively evaluate various material options for your part design

Moldflow Tools


Error checking and repair

Scan imported geometry and automatically fix defects that can occur when translating a model from CAD software.

Specialized simulation tools

Solve design challenges with simulation, such as insert over-molding, two-shot sequential over-molding, birefringence, and foaming processes.

Specialized molding processes

Simulate a wide range of plastic injection and compression molding processes and specialized process applications.

Results interpretation and presentation

Use a wide range of tools for model visualization, results in evaluation, and presentation.


Customize the Autodesk Moldflow user interface and databases for your organization.

Productivity tools

Use advisers and extensive help content to boost productivity